Tidy Tuesday NHL


Anatoly Tsyplenkov


March 3, 2020

Okay, here it is. My first contribution to the my website. I’ll try to make a very quick and simple data exploration analysis for this weeks’ Tidy Tuesday. There are three datasets available. I’m not sure that I’ll be able to analyze all of them… Let’s start from the first top_250.

theme_set(hrbrthemes::theme_ft_rc(base_family = "Ubuntu Condensed"))

top_250 <- readr::read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2020/2020-03-03/top_250.csv')

# A tibble: 251 × 9
   raw_rank player        years   total_g…¹ url_n…² raw_l…³ link  active yr_st…⁴
      <dbl> <chr>         <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <dbl>
 1        1 Wayne Gretzky 1979-99       894       1 /playe… http… Retir…    1979
 2        2 Gordie Howe   1946-80       801       2 /playe… http… Retir…    1946
 3        3 Jaromir Jagr  1990-18       766       3 /playe… http… Retir…    1990
 4        4 Brett Hull    1986-06       741       4 /playe… http… Retir…    1986
 5        5 Marcel Dionne 1971-89       731       5 /playe… http… Retir…    1971
 6        6 Phil Esposito 1963-81       717       6 /playe… http… Retir…    1963
 7        7 Mike Gartner  1979-98       708       7 /playe… http… Retir…    1979
 8        8 Alex Ovechkin 2005-20       700       8 /playe… http… Active    2005
 9        9 Mark Messier  1979-04       694       9 /playe… http… Retir…    1979
10       10 Steve Yzerman 1983-06       692      10 /playe… http… Retir…    1983
# … with 241 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​total_goals,
#   ²​url_number, ³​raw_link, ⁴​yr_start
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

This dataset contains 250 NHL & WHA career leaders and records for goals. First, we’re going to tidy our dataset a bit. What is the most interesting here is total goals really depends on the career length?

The information about years of career contains in years variable. It has a structure of YYYY-YY. First of all, let split it to year_start and year_end.

tidy_250 <- top_250 %>% 
  mutate(year_start = str_split(years, "-", simplify = T)[,1],
         year_end = str_split(years, "-", simplify = T)[,2]) %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(year_start), ~as.numeric(.)) %>% 
  mutate(century = ifelse(year_start < 2000, 19, 20),
         cc = str_split(year_start, 
                        simplify = T)[,2],
         cc = as.numeric(cc)) %>%
  mutate(year_end = case_when(
    year_end > cc ~ paste0(19, year_end),
    TRUE ~ paste0(20, year_end)
  )) %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(year_start, year_end), ~as.numeric(.)) %>% 
  # We need to edit millenials ))
  mutate(year_end = ifelse(year_end < year_start,
                           year_end + 100,
                           year_end)) %>% 
  select(player, total_goals, year_start, year_end) 

# A tibble: 251 × 4
   player        total_goals year_start year_end
   <chr>               <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 Wayne Gretzky         894       1979     1999
 2 Gordie Howe           801       1946     1980
 3 Jaromir Jagr          766       1990     2018
 4 Brett Hull            741       1986     2006
 5 Marcel Dionne         731       1971     1989
 6 Phil Esposito         717       1963     1981
 7 Mike Gartner          708       1979     1998
 8 Alex Ovechkin         700       2005     2020
 9 Mark Messier          694       1979     2004
10 Steve Yzerman         692       1983     2006
# … with 241 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Great! Now we have a very tidy dataframe. However, if we are going to plot career length of all 250 players, it can be a total mess on the plot. Let’s select only first 50 players using dplyr::top_().

tidy_50 <- tidy_250 %>% 
  top_n(50, total_goals)

I prefer to use discrete color scale instead of continuous. So I’m going to convert total_goals into factor. I really like to do it interactively with a new questionr package! So easy!

## Cutting tidy_50$total_goals into tidy_50$total_goals_rec
tidy_50$total_goals_rec <- cut(tidy_50$total_goals,
                               include.lowest=TRUE,  right=TRUE,
                               breaks = c(400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900),
                               labels = c("400-500",

Okay, so everything is ready for a plot! Please, notice, that I’ve already set the ggplot theme in the first r chunk via theme_set. I prefer to use dark themes everywhere so for this post I’ll also use a dark one. Bob Rudis (hrbrmstr) has created a really nice one in his hrbrthemes.


tidy_50 %>% 
  mutate(len = year_end - year_start) %>% 
  mutate(player = fct_reorder(player, year_start)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year_start,
             xend = year_end,
             y = player,
             group = player)) + 
  ggalt::geom_dumbbell(aes(color = total_goals_rec),
                size_x = 1.3,
                size_xend = 1.3,
                size = 1) +
  labs(x = "Years active", y = "",
       title = "NHL Career Leaders and Records for Goals",
       subtitle = "TOP 50",
       caption = "Made by @atsyplen as a #TidyTuesday contribution") +
  paletteer::scale_color_paletteer_d(name = "Total goals:",
                                     "wesanderson::Zissou1") +
  theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())

Let’s create a bit more meaningful plot. It’s very interesting how total_goals are spread inside career lengths groups! For this one I’d prefer a boxlplot.

tidy_250 %>% 
  mutate(len = year_end - year_start) %>% 
  mutate(len = cut(len,
                   include.lowest=TRUE,  right=TRUE,
                   breaks = c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40),
                   labels = c(
                   ))) %>% 
  group_by(len) %>% 
  mutate(outlier.high = total_goals > quantile(total_goals, .75, na.rm = T) + 1.50*IQR(total_goals, na.rm = T),
         outlier.low = total_goals < quantile(total_goals, .25, na.rm = T) - 1.50*IQR(total_goals, na.rm = T),
         outlier.color = case_when(outlier.high ~ "red",
                                   outlier.low ~ "steelblue",
                                   outlier.low == F | outlier.high == F ~ "black")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = len, y = total_goals)) +
  stat_boxplot(geom ='errorbar',
               width = .25,
               color = "white") +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA,
               color = "white",
               fill = "white",
               alpha = .3) +
  geom_jitter(aes(color = outlier.color),
              width = .1,
              alpha = .6,
              show.legend = F) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(100, 900, 100),
                     labels = seq(100, 900, 100)) +
  ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = . %>% group_by(len) %>% 
                             filter(total_goals == max(total_goals)),
                           aes(label = player), segment.colour = "white",
                           color = "white", family = "Ubuntu Condensed") +
  ggsci::scale_color_lancet() +
  labs(y = "Total goals scored in career",
       x = "Career length, years",
       title = "NHL Career Leaders and Records for Goals",
       subtitle = "TOP 250",
       caption = "Made by @atsyplen as a #TidyTuesday contribution") +
  theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank())


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Tsyplenkov, Anatoly},
  title = {Tidy {Tuesday} {NHL}},
  date = {2020-03-03},
  url = {https://anatolii.nz/posts/2020-03-03-tidy-tuesday-nhl/2020-03-03-tidy-tuesday-nhl.html},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Tsyplenkov, Anatoly. 2020. “Tidy Tuesday NHL.” March 3, 2020. https://anatolii.nz/posts/2020-03-03-tidy-tuesday-nhl/2020-03-03-tidy-tuesday-nhl.html.